Our Mission
Arizona Rock Products Association promotes and preserves safe production and the sustainability of the rock products industry through active involvement in the community, regulatory, and political processes.
Who We Are
The ARIZONA ROCK PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (ARPA) is a trade organization, that for over 65 years has represented companies producing nearly all the aggregate materials in the State of Arizona. ARPA is the oldest Mining Association in Arizona and our membership includes producers or suppliers of aggregate, asphaltic concrete, ready mix concrete, asphalt and portland cement, as well as trucking firms, paving contractors and other aggregate end users, material testing labs and ancillary companies. Members benefit from the Association’s professional and knowledgeable staff that is dedicated to preserving the sustainability of the rock products industry.
With our outstanding safety and environmental record, substantial economic benefits and active social and political involvement, ARPA members, associates and employees are proud of our contribution to the growth of Arizona and to the future of our people and communities.

Regulatory and Permitting Journey for Arizona Construction Materials Mining:
Created in partnership with the University of Arizona’s School of Mining & Mineral Resources, this guide outlines the step-by-step journey through the rigorous regulatory and permitting process for Arizona construction materials mining. From pre-construction to reclamation, there are 45+ extensive requirements to meet, including a minimum of 9 that require public input. Routine and complaint-driven inspections by city, county, state, and federal agencies throughout the process are not depicted.
To learn more CLICK HERE
Lifecycle of Aggregates Brochure Now Available:
Created in partnership with the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), this brochure shows step-by-step the process of mining aggregates in Arizona along with a facility’s various lifecycle stages. From extraction to crushing into smaller materials, to the product use in infrastructure and site reclamation.
To learn more CLICK HERE
Aggregate Protection Guidance Now Available:
One of the most critical elements affecting the sustainability of future development is the availability of affordable construction materials. These valuable aggregates consisting of sand, aggregate, and crushed rock or stone become aggregate base, cement, ready mixed concrete, asphalt, are the crucial building materials for every residential, commercial, industrial, and public infrastructure project. The Aggregate Protection Guidance explains why planning for these materials matters and offers proposals to avoid costly logistical, environmental, & land use planning conflicts.
To learn more CLICK HERE
Careers in the Mining Industry:
If you want a career that utilizes your skill sets in unique ways, the rock products industry needs dedicated people like you.